Richard Eyer Smith's Excellent Adventures in Paradise

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


"I yam what I yam and that's all what I yam." - Popeye

Wow! Nine posts in one month. But then nothing. The flash of an idea: Trump Network marketing . . . then nothing. Excitement, enthusiasm, a whir of activity followed by a quick shift of interest and then - you guessed it - nothing.

I've been here before. In fact, this is who I am. I stumble onto an idea, I pursue it like mad for a brief time and then I stop dead in my tracks. I've done it many times before.

Here's an example: Elder Rap. About five years ago, I came up with the idea of creating a type of Rap Music for older people. I invented a persona, El D'Rage, and wrote some "songs". I recorded a studio CD and made music videos. I put together a website and then I started to perform on stage.

El D'Rage was interviewed by the press and stories were written. selected one piece - Warrior Nation - as "Song of the Month". In less than six months I had a solid start as the world's only Elder Rapper.

Then I moved to a new city, shifted my focus to my new job and I just quit the music. Elder Rap came screeching to a halt.

My Novel
Here's another example. In the late nineties, after retiring from the FAA, I decided to write a book. I took a creative writing class, joined a writing group and, by God, in six months I wrote a novel, Radar Contact Lost.

Once it was published, I set out to promote it. I did lectures, book signings and gave classes. I was interviewed by the press and articles were written. In short order I was acclaimed by the press as an up-and-coming local author.

Then I moved to a new city, shifted my focus to my new job and I just quit the author biz. Radar Contact Lost came screeching to a halt.

In my career as an air traffic controller, I never stayed more than seven years in any one location. I worked successfully in some very busy facilities, but grew bored with each one and moved on to yet another ATC job.

I've lived in more than twenty five different homes in the past forty years. I've bought countless cars, I've hosted seven exchange students and owned seven dogs. I've run three hypnotherapy practices.

Tell me; can you find a pattern here?

So, as I see it, here are my options: now, at age sixty-five I can attempt to change my personality; I can grow up and I can settle down and focus. Or, I can accept who I am, be grateful and come up with ways to use my "flighty" personality to grow and succeed.

Any ideas?

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