Richard Eyer Smith's Excellent Adventures in Paradise

Thursday, May 31, 2012


It's been quite a few years since I made the El D'Rage CD, When We Were Kids. The idea was, "rap is terrible - I sing terrible ... I should be a rapper."

I recorded the CD in Minnesota, did a few performances for seniors and church groups, then, as so often happens, I drifted off to other projects.

Here's a link to El D'Rage's YouTube page. As you can see, the most popular "Minit Rap" video, with more than 20,000 hits, is the one with the beautiful woman on it.

Here is the video of the most moving song on the CD, Warrior Nation, is a tribute to America's veterans and the people who love them.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


expatriate The other day I received an invitation from the founder of Expat Blog, Julien Faliu, to write a post about the Expat Blog and how it relates to Puerto Rico. Well, his letter pretty much says it all about the Expat Blog, so here it is:


Dear EFTinPR,
Driven by my passion for discovering new cultures, and myself being an expatriate for several years, I launched the Expat Blog project seven years ago. I wanted to gather all the expatriates' blogs throughout the world on a unique platform.

Expat blog is mostly aimed at sharing experiences of people living abroad. I have always thought that the real life and experience of expatriates could really help those people wishing to start a new life abroad.

I would like to thank you for registering your blog with the Expat Blog directory. I sincerely hope you've gotten a lot of regular visitors from the website and that it will keep going on that way!

I am getting in touch with you because we need a hand in announcing the launch of two functions which would greatly help expats and soon-to-be expatriates.

As a matter of fact, we just released two new sections dedicated to jobs and housing in Puerto Rico and we would be grateful if you would help us introduce these sections and the Expat Blog to your readers by mentioning them in an article.

Julien -


One more thing: I have to confess that I'm not all that great a blogger and I really don't blog that much - or well - about Puerto Rico and the Expat experience. 

Not to worry!

The hands-down best blog about Puerto Rico - heck, the best blog about anywhere! - is written by Robert Westmoreland. It's called Scurvy Dog's Puerto Rican Blog . . . Shipwrecked on the Isle of Paradise. His photography is stunning, his prose delightful and his love of rum admirable. Check it out!